In RACOON, a rapid introduction of productive use and the collection of large amounts of data was already achieved in the initial phase of the NUM. The main vision is that the developed platform will be used by researchers as a standard tool for radiology to perform medical image-based studies in an intuitive and user-friendly way. RACOON aims to provide the most comprehensive collaborative research platform for medical image-based research projects in Germany.

RACOON provides the Reseach Infrastructure for medical image-based research. Within RACOON, leading research institutes and commercial service providers are developing solutions to make routine clinical data and prospectively collected research datasets available for traditional and machine learning-based research analyses. This supports the NUM's overarching goal of providing scalable and networkable Reseach Infrastructure to tackle medical research projects at a national level. This is made possible by providing a collaborative environment, a regulatory framework and collaborative interaction between all participating sites. The infrastructure supports researchers in the planning, initiation and execution of research projects across NUM so that research can be scaled from one to all partners. RACOON acts as a collaborative ecosystem in which researchers can plan and carry out individual research projects. At the same time, RACOON can facilitate the participation of radiological institutes in interdisciplinary research projects in which products from image analysis pipelines are part of the multimodal data analysis. Since RACOON is built as an ecosystem, new methods can be easily implemented into the infrastructure, while solutions developed in RACOON can be used consistently in successive research projects and even published for use outside RACOON.