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You want to set up a multi-centre research project and are looking for an infrastructure partner in the NUM?

The AKTIN@NUM research infrastructure operates the AKTIN emergency admission register. This consists of central and local components from at least 50 emergency departments as a nationwide infrastructure for real-time care research and surveillance. AKTIN offers the only automated solution currently available in Germany to record and use standardised clinical data from patient care in the emergency department on a daily basis, across all locations and independently of the primary electronic documentation systems in compliance with data protection regulations. If you are planning a research project involving the AKTIN emergency admission register, please contact:

Basic key components of the GenSurv infrastructure for genomic pathogen surveillance include a national data hub infrastructure for the collection, analysis and visualisation of raw and processed SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data and an expert-based assessment for targeted sampling strategies (intelligent sampling) as well as an infrastructure for phenotypic characterisation of SARS-CoV-2. If you are planning a research project that can benefit from collaboration with GenSurv, please contact:

The RACOON image data platform utilises diagnostic image data from healthcare to derive healthcare-relevant findings. A unique hybrid network infrastructure enables both federated analyses and central evaluations. AI training and AI application offer a wide range of potential applications. New research projects can use all components of the RACOON infrastructure to create a harmonised and multimodal data set across sites and improve their functionality and usability. For more information on how RACOON can support you in planning and conducting an image-based study, please contact:

Data integration centres (NUM-DIZ) have been established at all NUM sites in recent years, enabling the respective academic medical centres to support local site-specific as well as Germany-wide and international data use projects on clinical care data with their data sets. The currently established NUM-DIZ have set up their structures in such a way that they can be connected to the German Research Data Portal for Health (FDPG), for example, in order to support Germany-wide feasibility queries and data usage applications.

If you are planning a study that can be supported by the NUM-DIZ, please contact: (NUM-DIZ)

As part of the NUM Routine Data Platform (NUM-RDP), the fast and flexible provision and use of COVID-19 routine data from all German academic medical centres was made possible both in federated data usage scenarios and via the central platform developed for this purpose. It aims to (retrospectively) obtain treatment data on COVID-19 from the primary clinical systems. The addition of imaging and bioprobe data is planned. The project is being carried out in close cooperation with the Medical Informatics Initiative (MII). If you are planning a study that can be supported by the central components of the NUM-RDP, please contact (NUM-RDP)

The NUM Clinical Epidemiology and Study Platform NUKLEUS supports scientists in the standardised planning, implementation and analysis of prospective clinical observational studies. Infrastructures are available for the standardised collection and storage of high-quality clinical data, images and biosamples and the information obtained from them. The so-called method cores provide support from planning to final data analysis. For further information, please contact:

NATON (National Autopsy Network) pools the expertise of university and non-university specialists in Germany who deal with autopsies and the analysis of post-mortem samples. NATON is not only designed for COVID-19, but also for other, or in principle all autopsy-driven projects and applications: e.g. from pulmonary, cardiovascular, neurological to oncological and traumatic issues, but also for rare diseases and control cohorts. The NATON partners have proven expertise in pathogen diagnostics for both known and novel pathogens. For a possible collaboration with the NATON project as part of your research project, please contact:

Here you will also find information on the development of project outlines in the NUM Hub cooperation portal

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