About the project

Pandemic resilience requires efficient, interconnected and stringently regulated infrastructures for the continuous monitoring, assessment and anticipation of the pandemic situation. Coordinated infrastructures for structured, consensual data collection and modelling of the course of the pandemic, coordinated and rapid evidence synthesis and the direct and rapid subsequent derivation of multi-perspective recommendations are essential for this.

The overarching goal of PREPARED is to develop a concept for a comprehensively realisable, cooperative, adaptable and sustainable infrastructure for pandemic management and preparation within the NUM. This will enable a coordinated, rapid, targeted and evidence-based action and response to threats to patient care and public health due to a pandemic situation.

The most important things at a glance

The overarching goal of PREPARED is to develop a concept for a comprehensively realisable, cooperative, adaptable and sustainable infrastructure for pandemic management and preparation within the Network University Medicine (NUM). This will enable a coordinated, rapid, targeted and evidence-based action and response to threats to patient care and public health due to a pandemic situation. The establishment, harmonisation and optimisation of necessary infrastructure components and the creation of a detailed concept for pandemic preparedness and response by the NUM and its partners will ensure the basis for high-quality patient care and targeted research in the current and future pandemic.

Building on the existing results from previous NUM projects, the PREPARED project realises the best possible integration and coordinated further development of these results of concepts and infrastructure components, and also combines the clinical expertise of all 36 German university hospitals and institutional partners (e.g. RKI) and thus national and international expertise on pandemic preparedness. PREPARED works in a total of 10 work packages that deal with central aspects of pandemic preparedness:

  • Coordination and overarching conceptualisation in the core unit (WP 1)
  • Surveillance, infection prevention and control (WP 2)
  • Test solutions (WP 3)
  • Quality management and clinical risk management (WP 4)
  • Modelling (WP 5)
  • Rapid evidence synthesis (WP 6)
  • Rapid recommendations for action (WP 7)
  • Clinical and regional implementation (WP 8)
  • Employee health (WP 9)
  • Human resources management (WP 10)

PREPARED has developed a draft for a pandemic preparedness infrastructure in a multi-stage and iterative process over the course of the project to date. This was realised by means of numerous workshops, a symposium with numerous project partners from all university hospitals (UK) in Germany, protagonists from other NUM sub-projects and representatives from politics with interactive formats as well as the joint work, specification and concretisation of the infrastructure in corresponding working papers. One of the core successes of PREPARED to date has been the continuous development of the infrastructure for pandemic preparedness in Germany. The result is eight relevant fields of action that act as functionalities of the infrastructure: Monitoring & Surveillance, Pathogen Expertise, Derivation of Scientifically Based Recommendations for Action, Strategic Communication, Education and Training, Regional Networking and Implementation as well as the Rapid Reaction and Response (R3) Cockpit and overarching governance based on agile management methods.

People in the NUM


  • Finalisation of the infrastructure model based on capacity building
  • Development of a corresponding joint working paper
  • Further development of the processes into core functionalities
  • Compilation in a comprehensive working paper: "Implications for a sustainable PREPARED concept"