Dr Ramsia Geisler

Head of NAPKON Overall coordination


What are the arguments in favour of conducting research together and not in competition with each other?

Conducting research together means pooling creativity and resources to solve complex problems - in line with our project slogan "Collaboration creates knowledge". NAPKON is characterised by a high degree of cooperation and we see how experts from different disciplines join forces, share their skills and ideas and thus achieve better research results. Collaboration helps to avoid mistakes, drive research forward more quickly and also to think outside the box. This is of great benefit to society.

Why are you involved in the NUM?

The NUM aims to strengthen cooperation between the most important players in medical care and wants to establish and strengthen long-term partnerships in Germany. This will significantly improve the quality of medical care and research. I am delighted that I can be a part of this positive development in Germany and thus also have a positive influence on healthcare in my country.


What was the biggest success in your NUM research project?

NAPKON means co-operation. With the introduction of the NAPKON network, all those involved have shown that Germany is capable of acting and developing even in times of crisis. It has been shown that it is possible and feasible to get all university hospitals and other healthcare centres to work together intensively and jointly contribute to gaining knowledge in times of crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic. This intensive cooperation was set up in a very short time and has now been in place for more than three years.


Imagine you are at a barbecue with friends. Describe what you do in one sentence.

My work is about connecting people, exchanging ideas and finding solutions together, much like here at our barbecue!