About the project

In 2022, the CODEX+ project, which has already been completed, added technical and organisational aspects to the CODEX platform from the first funding phase, which has now been transferred to the NUM Routine Data Platform (RDP) infrastructure. This means that the successful solutions from various NUM projects can now be operated and used in a joint infrastructure of the university hospitals. CODEX+ developed generic components and concepts in order to be able to react quickly to new requirements in the future in terms of "pandemic preparedness". In addition, a consulting infrastructure was created for network partners who want to develop applications based on healthcare data and implement them in the network.

The most important things at a glance

The aim of CODEX+ was to develop organisational and technical solutions that allow all partners to collect, exchange and evaluate data together in order to respond to the pandemic situation. This included the development of framework solutions for the joint collection and utilisation of data in accordance with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable), as well as the development of new data sources. Examples of sustainable further use of the project include the central dashboard for pandemic monitoring and control and the infection control software, which will be extended to other clinical applications.

It is not only in times of pandemic that there is an increasing need to develop digital solutions to challenges in patient care and urgent research issues at short notice and to make them available across institutions and across the board. The challenge here is usually not so much the development of the required functionality, but rather the practical and sustainable integration across locations. Due to the heterogeneity of IT infrastructures in the German healthcare system, the integration of such tools requires standardised interfaces and standards at the individual locations. In addition, the sustainable operation of diverse digital tools places high demands on the long-term expertise and provision of resources at the locations. However, this is the only way to ensure pandemic preparedness.

Like CODEX, CODEX+ was based on the structures of the Medical Informatics Initiative. In recent years, university medicine has developed common standards and methods for the provision and exchange of treatment data throughout Germany and implemented them in the Data Integration Centres. The solutions developed in the NUM projects have now been integrated into the already established structures. Concepts, methods and components have been developed using various sample applications in order to be able to use and operate these digital tools effectively and efficiently throughout Germany in the future.

Concepts were developed on how, for example, genetic data can be easily integrated into immunological prediction models and how patients can consent to the use of their data for research in Emergency Departments. In addition, close cooperation was established with the research projects in the second funding phase so that they can benefit directly from the experience and developments, e.g. by providing a research-compatible app for patients.

The CODEX+ project has developed a flexible and expandable infrastructure for digital solutions to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and future challenges. In the short term, CODEX+ has provided successful solutions from the first funding phase in over 30 university hospitals across Germany. This enables doctors to be supported in the implementation of new guidelines and the risk assessment of patients. The hygiene departments can better recognise and assess infections in the clinics and data from different studies can be merged. The project thus makes a significant contribution to the pandemic preparedness of university medicine. In addition, digital support for new challenges and issues can be made available across the entire network at much shorter notice.