NUM-DIZ Conference the Second


Image source: Faculty of Medicine of the RUB "Impressions of the NUM-DIZ Conference 2024 at the event centre of Ruhr-Universität Bochum"

At the end of August, the NUM-DIZ conference took place for the second time at the Faculty of Medicine at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB). Around 90 participants from RUB, the academic medical center of Ruhr-Universität Bochum (UK-RUB) and partners from the SMITH consortium of the Medical Informatics Initiative (MII) learnt about the possibilities for using medical research data in Bochum. The researchers learned how they can use the Medical Data Integration Centre (MeDIZ.RUB) and a central biobank platform (BioNet.RUB) at RUB for their research. In addition, two research projects from the fields of radiology and infection monitoring from the current NUM funding period were presented. The projects RACOON CORE-PE was presented by Prof Alexey Surov and GenSurv+by Prof Sören G. Gatermann.

If you have any questions about the Medical Data Integration Centre (MeDIZ.RUB) at RUB, please contact:

The complete press release can be found on the homepage of the RUB Faculty of Medicine