"Health and Resilience" Expert Council succeeds the Corona Council

Photo copyright: Federal Government/Kugler

The Federal Government's Expert Council on Health and Resilience was founded on 18 March. The Council succeeds the Corona Expert Council, which provided policymakers with important scientific expertise during the coronavirus pandemic. The new Expert Council is intended to provide the federal government with quick and uncomplicated advice on public health issues. The members come from various disciplines. These include public health, epidemiology, ethics, medicine, computer science, statistics, modelling, nursing science, psychology, social sciences and virology. They all work on a voluntary and independent basis.

Many scientists on the Council were or are also active in the NUM: Prof Dr Christian Drosten, Prof Dr Wolfgang Hoffmann, Dr Berit Lange, Prof Dr Leif Sander, Prof Dr Simone Scheithauer and Prof Dr Hendrik Streeck. Prof Dr Heyo Kroemer, Chairman of the Board of Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, chairs the Council. Co-chair is Prof Dr Susanne Moebus from the Academic Medical Centre Essen.

More at: https: //www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/aktuelles/expertinnenrat-gesundheit-und-resilienz-2264106