Publications in the NUM

Here you will find a list of publications that were written in connection with the Network of University Medicine in the first and second funding phases.

Dannebaum R, Suwalski P, Asgharian H, Du ZG, Lin H, Weiner J, Holtgrewe M, Thibeault C, Müller M, Wang X, others . Highly multiplexed immune repertoire sequencing links multiple lymphocyte classes with severity of response to COVID-19. EClinicalMedicine. 2022; 48101438.      [DOI] 
Hönzke K, Obermayer B, Mache C, Fathykova D, Kessler M, Dökel S, Wyler E, Baumgardt M, Löwa A, Hoffmann K, others . Human lungs show limited permissiveness for SARS-CoV-2 due to scarce ACE2 levels but virus-induced expansion of inflammatory macrophages. Eur Respir J. 2022; 60(6):2102725.      [DOI] 
Hönzke K, Obermayer B, Mache C, Fathykova D, Kessler M, Dökel ea. Human lungs show limited permissiveness for SARS-CoV-2 due to scarce ACE2 levels but virus-induced expansion of inflammatory macrophages. Eur Respir J. 2022; 60(6):2102725.      [DOI] 
Wolff AW, Haller B, Demleitner AF, Westenberg E, Lingor P. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on patients with Parkinson's Disease from the perspective of treating physicians-A nationwide cross-sectional study. Brain Sci.. 2022 Mar.; 12(3):353.
Bernatz S, Afat S, Othman AE, et al . Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Radiology in Inpatient and Outpatient Care in Germany: A Nationwide Survey Regarding the First and Second Wave. Fortschr Röntgenstr. 2022; 19470-82.
Sedlmayr B, Sedlmayr M, Schüttler C, et al . Improving collaborative COVID-19 research of University Hospitals in Germany: Formative usability evaluation of the CODEX-Feasibility Portal. Appl Clin Inform. 2022; 13400—409.      [DOI] 
Wratil PR, Schmacke NA, Osterman A, et al . In-depth profiling of COVID-19 risk factors and preventive measures in healthcare workers. Infection. 2022; 50      [DOI] 
Dragano N, Reuter M, Peters A, Engels M, Schmidt B, Greiser K, Bohn B, Riedel-Heller S, Karch A, Mikolajczyk R, Krause G, Lang O, Panreck L, Rietschel M, Brenner H, Fischer B, Franzke C, Gastell S, Holleczek B, Jöckel K, Kaaks R, Keil T, Kluttig A, Kuß O, Legath N, Leitzmann M, Lieb W, Meinke-Franze C, Michels K, Obi N, Pischon T, Feinkohl I, Rospleszcz S, Schikowski T, Schulze M, Stang A, Völzke H, Willlich S, Wirkner K, Zeeb H, Ahrens W, Berger K. Increase in mental disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic - the role of occupational and financial strains. An analysis of the German National Cohort (NAKO) Study. Deutsches Ärzteblatt International. 2022; 119179–187.      [DOI] 
Bludau A, Heinemann S, Mardiko AA, Kaba HEJ, Leha A, Maltzahn N, Mutters NT, Leistner R, Mattner F, Scheithauer S. Infection control strategies for patients and accompanying persons during the COVID-19 pandemic in German hospitals: a cross-sectional study in March-April 2021. The Journal of hospital infection. 2022; 12528—36.      [DOI] 
Houwaart T, Belhaj S, Tawalbeh E, Nagels D, Fröhlich Y, Finzer P, Ciruela P, Sabrià A, Herrero M, Andrés C, Antón A, Benmoumene A, Asskali D, Haidar H, Dahlen J, Nicolai J, Stiller M, Blum J, Lange C, Adelmann C, Schroer B, Osmers U, Grice C, Kirfel PP, Jomaa H, Strelow D, Hülse L, Pigulla M, Kreuzer P, Tyshaieva A, Weber J, Wienemann T, Kohns Vasconcelos M, Hoffmann K, Lübke N, Hauka S, Andree M, Scholz CJ, Jazmati N, Göbels K, Zotz R, Pfeffer K, Timm J, Ehlkes L, Walker A, Dilthey AT. Integrated genomic surveillance enables tracing of person-to-person SARS-CoV-2 transmission chains during community transmission and reveals extensive onward transmission of travel-imported infections, Germany, June to July 2021. Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin. 2022; 27(43):      [DOI] 
Müller A, Haneke H, Kirchberger V, Mastella G, Dommasch M, Merle U, Heinze O, Siegmann A, Spinner C, Buiatti A, Laugwitz K, Schmidt G, Martens E. Integration of mobile sensors in a telemedicine hospital system: Remote-monitoring in COVID-19 patients. Journal of Public Health. 2022; 30(1):93—97.      [DOI] 
Kantauskaite M, et al . Intensity of mycophenolate mofetil treatment is associated with an impaired immune response to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in kidney transplant recipients. American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons. 2022; 22634–639.      [DOI] 
Oorschot , others . Interaktive Homepage für Trauernde in Pandemiezeiten. Schmerz, Nervenarzt, Forum DKG, Urologe, Onkologe. 2022;
Dönges P, Wagner J, Contreras S, Iftekhar EN, Bauer S, Mohr SB, Dehning J, Valdez AC, Kretzschmar M, Mäs M, Nagel K, Priesemann V. Interplay Between Risk Perception, Behavior, and COVID-19 Spread. Frontiers in Physics. 2022; 10842180.      [DOI] 
Stillfried S, Bülow R, Röhrig R, Meybohm P, Boor P. Intracranial hemorrhage in COVID-19 patients during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for acute respiratory failure: a nationwide register study report. Critical care (London, England). 2022; 2683.      [DOI] 
Pauli B, Strupp J, Schloesser K, others . It’s like standing in front of a prison fence – Dying during the SARS-CoV2 pandemic: A qualitative study of bereaved relatives’ experiences. Palliative Medicine. 2022;      [DOI] 
Wyler E, Adler JM, Eschke K, Teixeira Alves G, Peidli S, Pott F, Kazmierski J, Michalick L, Kershaw O, Bushe J, Andreotti S, Pennitz P, Abdelgawad A, Postmus D, Goffinet C, Kreye J, Reincke SM, Prüss H, Blüthgen N, Gruber AD, Kuebler WM, Witzenrath M, Landthaler M, Nouailles G, Trimpert J. Key benefits of dexamethasone and antibody treatment in COVID-19 hamster models revealed by single-cell transcriptomics. Mol. Ther.. 2022 May; 30(5):1952—1965.      [DOI]  [Pubmed] 
Fervers P, Kottlors J, Persigehl T, Lennartz S, Maus V, Fischer S, Styczen H, Deuschl C, Schlamann M, Mpotsaris A, Zubel S, Schroeter M, Maintz D, Fink G, Abdullayev N. Meaningful use of imaging resources to rule out cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after ChAdOx1 COVID-19 vaccination: Evaluation of the AHA diagnostic algorithm with a clinical cohort and a systematic data review. J Clin Neurosci. 2022;      [DOI] 
Krishnaratne S, Littlecott H, Sell K, Burns J, Rabe JE, Stratil JM, Litwin T, Kreutz C, Coenen M, Geffert K, Boger AH, Movsisyan A, Kratzer S, Klinger C, Wabnitz K, Strahwald B, Verboom B, Rehfuess E, Biallas RL, Jung-Sievers C, Voss S, Pfadenhauer LM. Measures implemented in the school setting to contain the COVID-19 pandemic: a rapid review. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2022; 2022CD015029.      [DOI] 
Schwartz J, Reuters MC, Schallenburger M, Meier S, Roch C, Werner L, Oorschot B, Neukirchen M. Modelle guter Praxis: Alleine sterben ist ethisch nicht vertretbar. Praxis Palliative Care. 2022; 5429-36.
Wanner N, Andrieux G, Badia-i-Mompel P, et al . Molecular consequences of SARS-CoV-2 liver tropism. Nat Metab. 2022; 4310-319.      [DOI] 
Gruell H, et al . mRNA booster immunization elicits potent neutralizing serum activity against the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant. Nature Medicine. 2022;      [DOI] 
Liu Z, et al . Multi-Omics Integration Reveals Only Minor Long-Term Molecular and Functional Sequelae in Immune Cells of Individuals Recovered From COVID-19. Frontiers in immunology. 2022; 13838132.      [DOI] 
Bausewein C, Hodiamont F, Berges N, Ullrich A, Gerlach C, Oechsle K, Pauli B, Weber J, Stiel S, Schneider N, others . National strategy for palliative care of severely ill and dying people and their relatives in pandemics (PallPan) in Germany - study protocol of a mixed-methods project. BMC palliative care. 2022; 21(1):10.      [DOI] 
Heinrich F, Roedl K, Jarczak D, et al . New Insights in the Occurrence of Venous Thromboembolism in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19—A Large Postmortem and Clinical Analysis. Viruses. 2022; 14811.      [DOI] 
Arora P, et al . No evidence for increased cell entry or antibody evasion by Delta sublineage AY.4.2. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. 2022;      [DOI] 
Ercanoglu MS, et al . No substantial preexisting B cell immunity against SARS-CoV-2 in healthy adults. iScience. 2022; 25103951.      [DOI] 
Zellmer S, Bachmann E, Muzalyova A, et al . One year of the COVID-19 pandemic in dental medical facilities in Germany: A questionnaire-based analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022; 19(1):      [DOI] 
Jonigk D, Werlein C, Acker T, et al . Organ manifestations of COVID-19: what have we learned so far (not only) from autopsies?. Virchows Arch. 2022;      [DOI] 
Oorschot , others . PallPan Richtig handeln in der Betreuung Schwerkranker und Sterbender in Pandemiezeiten. Der Ophthalmologe. 2022;
Ebler J, Ebert P, Clarke WE, Rausch T, Audano PA, Houwaart T, Mao Y, Korbel JO, Eichler EE, Zody MC, Dilthey AT, Marschall T. Pangenome-based genome inference allows efficient and accurate genotyping across a wide spectrum of variant classes. Nature genetics. 2022; 54(4):518—525.      [DOI] 
Yüksel C, Sähn M, Kleines M, Brokmann J, Kuhl C, Truhn D, Ritter A, Isfort P, Schulze-Hagen M. Possible Alterations of Imaging Patterns in Computed Tomography for Delta-VOC of SARS-CoV-2. Rofo. 2022; 194(11):1229—1241.      [DOI] 
Lemhöfer C, Appel KS, Häuser W, Hettich N, Kohls M, Polidori MC. Post-COVID: Alles eine Frage der Definition?. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2022 Oct.; 147(21):1391—1397.
Heinrich F, Schröder A, Gerberding A, et al . Postmortem Antigen-Detecting Rapid Diagnostic Tests to Predict Infectivity of SARS-CoV-2-Associated Deaths. Emerg Infect Dis. 2022; 28244-247.      [DOI] 
Schwarz T, et al . Preserved T cell responses to SARS-CoV-2 in anti-CD20 treated multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis Journal. 2022;      [DOI] 
Surov A, Kardas H, Besutti G, Pellegrini M, Ottone M, Onur M, Atak F, Erdemir A, Hocaoglu E, Yıldız Ö, Inci E, Cingöz E, Cingöz M, Dursun M, Korkmaz İ, Orhan Ç, Strobel A, Wienke A, Pech M. Prognostic Role of the Pectoralis Musculature in Patients with COVID-19. A Multicenter Study. Acad Radiol. 2022;      [DOI] 
Gorji H, Stauffer N, Lunati I, et al . Projection of healthcare demand in Germany and Switzerland urged by omicron wave (January-March 2022). MedRxiv. 2022;      [DOI] 
Authors V. RACOON: Das Radiological Cooperative Network zur Beantwortung der großen Fragen in der Radiologie. RöFo - Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren. 2022; 194(01):95–95.      [DOI] 
Dächert C, Muenchhoff M, Graf A, et al . Rapid and sensitive identification of omicron by variant-specific PCR and nanopore sequencing: paradigm for diagnostics of emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants. Med Microbiol Immunol. 2022; 211(1):      [DOI]      [File] 
Zickler M, Stanelle-Bertram S, Ehret S, et al . Replication of SARS-CoV-2 in adipose tissue determines organ and systemic lipid metabolism in hamsters and humans. Cell Metab. 2022; 341-2.      [DOI] 
Neidhardt M, Gerlach S, Mieling R, et al . Robotic Tissue Sampling for Safe Post-Mortem Biopsy in Infectious Corpses. IEEE Trans. Med. Robot. Bionics. 2022; 494-105.      [DOI] 
Hammerschmidt SI, Thurm C, Bošnjak B, et al . Robust induction of neutralizing antibodies against the SARS‐CoV‐2 Delta variant after homologous Spikevax or heterologous Vaxzevria‐Spikevax vaccination. Eur J Immunol. 2022; 52(2):      [DOI] 
Momsen Reincke S, et al . SARS-CoV-2 Beta variant infection elicits potent lineage-specific and cross-reactive antibodies. Science (New York, N.Y.). 2022;      [DOI] 
Layer E, Hoehl S, Widera M, Bojkova D, Westphal T, Gottschalk R, Boeddinghaus B, Schork J, Ciesek S, Goetsch U. SARS-CoV-2 screening strategies for returning international travellers: Evaluation of a rapid antigen test approach. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2022; 118126—131.      [DOI] 
Backhaus I, Hermsen D, Timm J, Boege F, Lübke N, Degode T, Göbels K, Dragano N. SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and determinants of infection in young adults: A population-based seroepidemiological study. Public Health. 2022;      [DOI] 
Arora P, et al . SARS-CoV-2 variants C.1.2 and B.1.621 (Mu) partially evade neutralization by antibodies elicited upon infection or vaccination. Cell Reports. 2022; 39110754.      [DOI] 
Bahmer T, Borzikowsky C, Lieb W, Horn A, Krist L, Fricke J, Scheibenbogen C, Rabe KF, Maetzler W, Maetzler C, Laudien M, Frank D, Ballhausen S, Hermes A, Miljukov O, Haeusler KG, Mokhtari NEE, Witzenrath M, Vehreschild JJ, Krefting D, Pape D, Montellano FA, Kohls M, Morbach C, Störk S, Reese J, Keil T, Heuschmann P, Krawczak M, Schreiber S, group N. Severity, predictors and clinical correlates of Post-COVID syndrome (PCS) in Germany: A prospective, multi-centre, population-based cohort study. EClinicalMedicine. 2022 Sep.; 51(101549):101549.      [DOI]  [Pubmed] 
Medenwald D, Brunner T, Christiansen H, et al . Shift of radiotherapy use during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic? An analysis of German inpatient data. Strahlenther Onkol. 2022; 198(4):334—345.      [DOI] 
Schug C, Geiser F, Hiebel N, Beschoner P, Jerg-Bretzke L, Albus C, Weidner K, Morawa E, Erim Y. Sick Leave and Intention to Quit the Job among Nursing Staff in German Hospitals during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022 Feb.; 19(4):1947.      [DOI]      [File] 
Koll C, Hopff S, Meurers T, Lee C, Kohls M, Stellbrink C, Thibeault C, Reinke L, Steinbrecher S, Schreiber S, others . Statistical biases due to anonymization evaluated in an open clinical dataset from COVID-19 patients. Sci Data. 2022; 9(1):776.      [DOI]