Publications in the NUM

Here you will find a list of publications that were written in connection with the Network of University Medicine in the first and second funding phases.

Popp M, Stegemann M, Riemer M, Metzendorf M, Romero CS, Mikolajewska A, Kranke P, Meybohm P, Skoetz N, Weibel S. Antibiotics for the treatment of COVID‐19. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2021; 2021CD015025.      [DOI] 
Althaus K, Möller P, Uzun G, Singh A, Beck A, Bettag M, Bösmüller H, Guthoff M, Dorn F, Petzold GC, Henkes H, Heyne N, Jumaa H, Kreiser K, Limpach C, Luz B, Maschke M, Müller J, Münch J, Nagel S, Pötzsch B, Müller J, Schlegel C, Viardot A, Bäzner H, Wolf M, Pelzl L, Warm V, Willinek WA, Steiner J, Schneiderhan-Marra N, Vollherbst D, Sachs UJ, Fend F, Bakchoul T. Antibody-mediated procoagulant platelets in SARS-CoV-2-vaccination associated immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia. Haematologica. 2021 Aug.; 106(8):2170-2179.      [DOI] 
Aschman T, Schneider J, Greuel S, Meinhardt J, Streit S, Goebel ea. Association Between SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Immune-Mediated Myopathy in Patients Who Have Died. JAMA Neurol. 2021; 78948—960.
Aschman T, Schneider J, Greuel S, Meinhardt J, Streit S, Goebel H, Büttnerova I, Elezkurtaj S, Scheibe F, Radke J, Meisel C, Drosten C, Radbruch H, Heppner F, Corman V, Stenzel W. Association Between SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Immune-Mediated Myopathy in Patients Who Have Died. JAMA Neurol. 2021 Aug.; 78(8):948-960.      [DOI] 
Adorjan K, Pogarell O, Pröbstl L, Rüb M, Wiegand HF, Tüscher O, Lieb K, Wassiliwizky E, Gerlinger G, Heinz A, Falkai P. Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie auf die Versorgungssituation in psychiatrischen Kliniken in Deutschland. Der Nervenarzt. 2021; 92(6):562—570.      [DOI] 
Klüpfel J, Koros RC, Dehne K, et al . Automated, flow-based chemiluminescence microarray immunoassay for the rapid multiplex detection of IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in human serum and plasma (CoVRapid CL-MIA). Anal Bioanal Chem. 2021; 413(22):      [DOI] 
Evert K, Dienemann T, Brochhausen C, Lunz D, Lubnow M, Ritzka M, Keil F, Trummer M, Scheiter A, Salzberger B, others . Autopsy findings after long-term treatment of COVID-19 patients with microbiological correlation. Virchows Arch. 2021; 1-12.      [DOI] 
Arora P, et al . B.1.617.2 enters and fuses lung cells with increased efficiency and evades antibodies induced by infection and vaccination. Cell Reports. 2021; 109825.      [DOI] 
Bartenschlager C, Römmele C, Temizel S. Befragung zum Besuchsmanagement: Wie Pflegeeinrichtungen Besuche während der COVID-19-Pandemie organisierten. Protzenziale digitaler Systeme kaum genutzt. CAREkonkret. 2021; 32/33     [File] 
Kumar S, Çalışkan D, Janowski J, Faist A, Conrad B, Lange ea. Beyond Vaccines: Clinical Status of Prospective COVID-19 Therapeutics. Front Immunol. 2021; 12752227.
Traxler S, Schindler M, Bösmüller H, Klingel K. Biologie und Pathologie von Coronaviren [Biology and pathology of coronaviruses]. Pathologe. 2021; 42(2):149-154.
Swoboda J, Wittschieber D, Sanft J, Kleemann S, Elschner S, Ihle H, Hubig M, Pletz M, Mall G, Gassler N. Bone marrow haemophagocytosis indicates severe infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Histopathology. 2021 Apr.; 78(5):727-737.      [DOI] 
Burns J, Movsisyan A, Rehfuess E, Stratil J. Border control and SARS-CoV-2: an opportunity for generating highly policy-relevant, real-world evidence. Journal of Travel Medicine. 2021; 1—3.      [DOI] 
Priesemann V, Brinkmann MM, Ciesek S, Cuschieri S, Czypionka T, Giordano G, Hanson C, Hens N, Iftekhar E, Klimek P, Kretzschmar M, Peichl A, Perc M, Sannino F, Schernhammer E, Schmidt A, Staines A, Szczurek E. Call for a pan-European COVID-19 response must be comprehensive – Authors‘ reply. The Lancet. 2021; 397(10284):1541.      [DOI] 
Priesemann V, Brinkmann MM, Ciesek S, Cuschieri S, Czypionka T, Giordano G, Gurdasani D, Hanson C, Hens N, Iftekhar E, Kelly-Irving M, Klimek P, Kretzschmar M, Peichl A, Perc M, Sannino F, Schernhammer E, Schmidt A, Staines A, Szczurek E. Calling for pan-European commitment for rapid and sustained reduction in SARS-CoV-2 infections. The Lancet. 2021; 397(10269):92—93.      [DOI] 
Bräuninger H, Stoffers B, Fitzek A, et al . Cardiac SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with pro-inflammatory transcriptomic alterations within the heart. Cardiovasc Res. 2021; cvab322.      [DOI] 
Doehn J, Tabeling C, Biesen R, Saccomanno J, Madlung E, Pappe E, Gabriel F, Kurth F, Meisel C, Corman V, others . CD169/SIGLEC1 is expressed on circulating monocytes in COVID-19 and expression levels are associated with disease severity. Infection. 2021; 49(4):757—762.      [DOI] 
Walker A, Houwaart T, Finzer P, et al . Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 genetic structure and infection clusters in a large German city based on integrated genomic surveillance, outbreak analysis, and contact tracing. Epidemiology. 2021;      [DOI]      [File] 
Walker A, Houwaart T, Finzer P, et al . Characterization of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection clusters based on integrated genomic surveillance, outbreak analysis and contact tracing in an urban setting. Clin Infect Dis. 2021; 74(6):      [DOI] 
Ankerhold J, Giese S, Kolb P, et al . Circulating multimeric immune complexes drive immunopathology in COVID-19. Immunology. 2021;      [DOI] 
Thibeault C, Mühlemann B, Helbig E, Mittermaier M, Lingscheid T, Tober-Lau P, Meyer-Arndt L, Meiners L, Stubbemann P, Haenel S, others . Clinical and virological characteristics of hospitalised COVID-19 patients in a German tertiary care centre during the first wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: a prospective observational study. Infection. 2021; 49(4):703—714.      [DOI] 
Thibeault C, et al . Clinical and virological characteristics of hospitalised COVID-19 patients in a German tertiary care centre during the first wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: a prospective observational study. Infection. 2021;      [DOI] 
Mikolajewska A, Fischer A, Piechotta V, Mueller A, Metzendorf M, Becker M, Dorando E, Pacheco RL, Martimbianco ALC, Riera R, Skoetz N, Stegemann M. Colchicine for the treatment of COVID‐19. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2021; 2021CD015045.      [DOI] 
Ochs M, Timm S, Elezkurtaj S, Horst D, Meinhardt J, Heppner ea. Collapse induration of alveoli is an ultrastructural finding in a COVID-19 patient. Eur Respir J. 2021; 57      [DOI] 
Herbst K, Meurer M, Kirrmaier D, others . Colorimetric RT-LAMP and LAMP-sequencing for Detecting SARS-CoV-2 RNA in Clinical Samples. BIO-Protocols. 2021; 11(6):      [DOI]      [File] 
Brunotte L, Zheng S, Mecate-Zambrano A, Tang J, Ludwig S, Rescher ea. Combination Therapy with Fluoxetine and the Nucleoside Analog GS-441524 Exerts Synergistic Antiviral Effects against Different SARS-CoV-2 Variants In Vitro. Pharmaceutics. 2021; 13
Müller A, Engler F, Schütze D, Nohl-Deryk P, Güthlin C. Communication experience by secure instant messaging during the Covid-19 pandemic for general practitioners and public health workers – a qualitative analysis. Doc21dkvf051. 2021;      [DOI] 
Osterman A, Iglhaut M, Lehner A, Späth P, Stern M, Autenrieth H, Muenchhoff M, Graf A, Krebs S, Blum H, Baiker A, Grzimek-Koschewa N, Protzer U, Kaderali L, Baldauf H, Keppler OT. Comparison of four commercial, automated antigen tests to detect SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern. Medical microbiology and immunology. 2021; 210(5-6):263—275.      [DOI] 
Osterman A, Iglhaut M, Lehner A, et al . Comparison of four commercial, automated antigen tests to detect SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern. Med Microbiol Immunol. 2021; 210      [DOI] 
Georg P, et al . Complement activation induces excessive T cell cytotoxicity in severe COVID-19. Cell. 2021;      [DOI] 
Georg P, Astaburuaga-García R, Bonaguro L, et al . Complement activation induces excessive T cell cytotoxicity in severe COVID-19. Cell. 2021;      [DOI] 
Föh B, Borsche M, Balck A, et al . Complications of nasal and pharyngeal swabs – a relevant challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic?. Eur Respir J. 2021;      [DOI] 
Piechotta V, Iannizzi C, Chai KL, Valk SJ, Kimber C, Dorando E, Monsef I, Wood EM, Lamikanra AA, Roberts DJ, McQuilten Z, So-Osman C, Estcourt LJ, Skoetz N. Convalescent plasma or hyperimmune immunoglobulin for people with COVID‐19: a living systematic review. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2021; 2021CD013600.      [DOI] 
Beierle F, et al . Corona Health—A Study- and Sensor-Based Mobile App Platform Exploring Aspects of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021; 187395.      [DOI] 
Steudte-Schmiedgen S, Stieler L, Erim Y, Morawa E, Geiser F, Beschoner P, Jerg-Bretzke L, Albus C, Hiebel N, Weidner K. Correlates and Predictors of PTSD Symptoms Among Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results of the egePan-VOICE Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021; 12      [DOI]      [File] 
Ebigbo A, Römmele C, Bartenschlager C, et al . Cost-effectiveness analysis of SARS-CoV-2 infection prevention strategies including pre-endoscopic virus testing and use of high risk personal protective equipment. Endoscopy. 2021; 53(2):      [DOI] 
Baumann M. COVID-19 and mental health in children and adolescents: a diagnostic panel to map psycho-social consequences in the pandemic context. Discov Ment Health. 2021; 1(1):2.      [DOI] 
Ritschel N, Radbruch H, Herden C, Schneider N, Dittmayer C, Franz ea. COVID-19 and the central and peripheral nervous system. Pathologe. 2021; 42172—182.      [DOI] 
Adhikary P, Ul Ain Q, Hocke A, Hedtrich S. COVID-19 highlights the model dilemma in biomedical research. Nat Rev Mater. 2021; 1—3.
Roth W, Boor P. COVID-19 im Spiegel der Pathologie [COVID-19 in the mirror of pathology]. Pathologe. 2021; 42(2):147-148.
Gaitzsch E, et al . COVID-19 in Patients Receiving CD20-depleting Immunochemotherapy for B-cell Lymphoma. HemaSphere. 2021; 5e603.      [DOI] 
Gaitzsch E, Passerini V, Khatamzas E, et al . COVID-19 in Patients Receiving CD20-depleting Immunochemotherapy for B-cell Lymphoma. Hemasphere. 2021; 5(7):      [DOI] 
Heinemann S, Bludau A, Kaba H, et al . COVID-19 surveillance and testing strategies für patiens in German hospitals – results from a cross-sectional study. DGHM. 2021;     [File] 
Bludau A, Anton M, Heinemann S, et al . COVID-19 vaccination and immunization surveillance for employees in German hospitals – results from a cross-sectional study. DGHM. 2021;     [File] 
Tanacli R, Doeblin P, Götze C, Zieschang V, Faragli A, Stehning C, Korosoglou G, Erley J, Weiss J, Berger A, others . COVID-19 vs. Classical Myocarditis Associated Myocardial Injury Evaluated by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance and Endomyocardial Biopsy. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2021; 8737257.      [DOI] 
Amann K, Boor P, Wiech T, Singh J, Vonbrunn E, Knöll A, Hermann M, Büttner-Herold M, Daniel C, Hartmann A. COVID-19-Auswirkungen auf die Niere [COVID-19 effects on the kidney]. Pathologe. 2021; 42(2):183-187.
Seeber C, Popp M, Meerpohl JJ, et al . COVID-19-Pandemie: Präferenzen und Barrieren für die Disseminierung von Evidenzsynthesen. Anaesthesist. 2021;      [DOI] 
Polotzek K, Karch A, Karschau J, Wagner M, Lünsmann B, Menk M, Römmele C, Schmitt J. COVID-19-Pandemie: Regionale Steuerung der Patienten. Dtsch Arztebl International. 2021; 118(3):84—.
Ackermann M, Werlein C, Länger F, Kühnel MP, Jonigk DD. COVID-19: Auswirkungen auf Lunge und Herz [COVID-19: effects on the lungs and heart]. Pathologe. 2021; 42(2):164-171.
Loyal L, Braun J, Henze L, Kruse B, Dingeldey M, Reimer ea. Cross-reactive CD4(+) T cells enhance SARS-CoV-2 immune responses upon infection and vaccination. Science. 2021;